Monday, February 8, 2010


After a sleepless night, a traffic jam, and literally almost boarding a plane to Los Angeles, I snoozed pretty hard core on the two hour flight from Houston to Miami. The sky and water were so clear and fresh as we landed that I couldn't help but recall how Jesus calmed the stormy seas and strengthened the faith of his apostles in that little fishing boat. I am SO anxious this morning! My prayer right now is that God would calm my stormy heart and strengthen my faith as I begin this journey today.

So... My first EVER seat in first class! How's that for missionary humility. Ha!

I am now in the Miami airport and will go to A motel where my team will rest for a while and then we will Leave for port au prince at 3am.

This is a neat Latin band playing in the terminal. Love this stuff. So energizing. Dancing and everything. When God made me born a Yankee he was teasing!

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